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A Milestone For Women and Youth In Politics.
June 2023


Politics involves the art of exercising power and making decisions that affect others. The 2022 general elections was a milestone for women and youth in Kenya. According to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, the youth constituted 40% of registered voters, with the largest population being 25-29 years old.

(Analysis by UN women indicated that there has been a positive shift in political participation and representation of women. The percentage of elected female governors increased from 6% in 2017 to 15% in 2022.

The past general election is an indication that the struggle for gender-equal representation in Homa Bay county continues to gain momentum. At the onset of devolution, no single female was elected governor, however, the situation has since changed with Hon Gladys Nyasuna Wanga being elected the first female governor in Homa Bay. 3 women were elected members of the National assembly while six others were elected to the county assembly. 

26-year-old Tyberius Ogwari from Mfangano ward, South Central sub-county believes that the 2022 general elections has opened space for women and youth in politics. “Based on how elections were conducted, I can say that citizens have begun embracing youth leadership. Previously youths who vied for various positions were treated with contempt and denied the opportunity to lead due to age.”

Tyberius is hopeful that if youths receive training and mentorship on leadership, the county will see an increased number of youth participation in governance.

According to Emmanuel Joel, the peaceful manner in which elections were conducted has motivated more youths and women to venture into politics. ” It has opened space for more women and youth to view. The peaceful elections encourage women and youths to be involved.” He says. He adds that there is still an opportunity for more women and youth to be involved in the next general elections through participation or representation.

To the women in Homa Bay County, the election of a woman to the top seat is an indication that gender stereotypes surrounding women’s leadership have been broken, paving way for more women to venture into politics.

Maureen Awuor is one of the women who have always believed in female leadership and to her the 2022 elections has motivated her to actively participate in the next general elections. ” I am glad that female candidates were not attacked and judged based on their gender but ability to serve, the 2022 elections has motivated me to become an active voter.”

According to UN Women, equal participation and leadership of women in politics is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development goals by 2030.

Women and youth are still underrepresented in Homa Bay County, however, the 2022 elections is an indication that the efforts to achieve gender-equal representation are bearing fruits.

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